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Company InformationBoard of DirectorsLocationsQuality
Headquarter : Singapore
Founded : 1978
Listed : 1994
No. of Employees : More than 2,000
Services : Testing & Burn-In of Integrated Circuits
Electronic Manufacturing Services
Products : Parallel Test & Burn In Systems
Burn-In Boards
Sunright Limited, a main board listed company on the Stock Exchange Securities Trading Limited, ( SGX: Sunright ) is the world’s largest independent “test and burn-in” service company and a leading manufacturer of parallel test equipment. Sunright has facilities in Singapore, Taiwan, Philippines, China and the United States. Its associate company, KESM Industries Berhad, listed on the Bursa in 1994, engages in providing “burn-in and testing” services as well as Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS). Together, it has a workforce of more than 2,000 employees.